Mobile : 07845 282708
The car

We operate a 2019 Nissan Leaf 100% Electric Car
Our Cars are designed to give the best and safest possible experience to our customers and have special modifications so that we are able to cater for people who are disabled or have disabilities Â
Dual Control Adaptions
This car is fitted with dual control adaptions this allows the instructor to brake from the passenger seat. Â
Left Foot Accelerator
This picture shows the left foot accelerator pedal to the left side of the brake. Whichever pedal is not in use swings up out of the way. Â
Single Handed Steering Adaptions
A Ball and Lollipop grip can be attached to allow for single handed steering of the car with infrared controls so that
indicating, lights
and wipers can also
be operated with
the steering hand Â
Hand Accelerator And Brake
The hand operated accelerator is a handgrip to the right of the steering wheel and is fitted
with and indicator
switch on top allowing
the car to be accelerated
and braked with the
right hand
Hand Brake Adaptions
we have a right angled hand attachment to assist in releasing the handbrake
Seat Pads For Increased Hight and Mirror Accessories
Additional door mirrors that allow the driver to see into blind spots
Seat pads can be provided to aid a comfortable and safe driving position.